Tutorial: Configuring the presentation of your offer and the reservation process (3 / 5)

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The planyo plugin can be added to your website either in form of HTML code which you simply need to copy and paste onto a page on your website, or it can be a dedicated plugin (sometimes called module or extension) for your CMS system. Either way, in plugin settings you only need to make sure the default mode is set to Resource list (this is the default) and that your planyo site ID is entered correctly. This is all that you need in order for the plugin to show the listing of all of your resources. If you don't like the default sorting you can change it in the Ordering of resources parameter.

You can also use the attribute string (see Q167 for more details) in order to set more advanced settings, such as filtering of your resources if you only want the listing to include some of your resources. This can be done either by specifying specific IDs of resources to be displayed (use the ppp_resfilter parameter in the attribute string) or (a much better solution because it will work also when new resources are added) by specifying a custom resource property and its value to act as a filter (res_filter_name and res_filter_value parameters in the attribute string). For example, this way you can get a listing of all apartments in given city. If you have a number of such lists (e.g. one per city where you offer apartments for rental) you can of course integrate the planyo plugin on each city-specific page, each time with a different filter. Here are some examples which all use the attribute string in the form: mode=resource_list&res_filter_name=prop_res_city&res_fiter_value=New York (in case you defined a custom resource property called city):

joomla{loadmodule planyo,,mode=resource_list&res_filter_name=prop_res_city&res_fiter_value=New York}
wordpress[planyo attribute_string='mode=resource_list&res_filter_name=prop_res_city&res_fiter_value=New York']

Please note that setting mode=resource_list is not needed if you already set your default plugin mode to the resource listing but even if you didn't, the above attribute string will ensure this mode is used.

As mentioned in the first part of this tutorial the plugin will not serve as the complete reservation system displaying all kinds of content throughout the reservation process.